Sunday, August 31, 2008

The 30K in 30 Days Challenge

Maven Jackie BarbosaSince I last posted right before leaving for the RWA National Convention, I've been swamped by the day job. My company holds a conference for its clients every year in late August or early September (depending on when we can get the hotel), and I'm a major contributor to the effort. This year, I gave four presentations, none of which were remotely close to being developed at the beginning of this month. I had four weeks to get my act together, and believe me, I needed every one of those weeks.

So NOW, I have another deadline looming over me. I've promised all three of the Red Door novellas by October 1st. The first novella is (thankfully) already complete, but the second and third are sitting at 5,000 words (of a projected 25K) and roughly 20.5K (or a projected 30K). Soooo, to finish and ship the printed manuscript off to New York in time, I've got to write an average of 1,000 words per day for the next thirty days.

That's more than doable, of course. But since I've been "out of the saddle" for a full month now, it seems more than a bit daunting. And so, in an effort to motivate myself, I'm setting down the 30K in 30 Days Challenge. My friend and critique partner, Emma Petersen, even created this graphic you can post on your blog or website if you decide to jump on the bandwagon:

The challenge officially begins today, Sunday, August 31 and ends Monday, September 29, but you can jump in any time with your own start and end dates. If you'd like to engage in periodic check-ins, support, encouragement, commiseration, advice, and the occasional ass-whuppin' when you need it, simply leave a comment on this post. I'll be posting again next week to let you know where things stand, and you can let me know how you're doing, too. In addition, I'll be keeping a calendar on my personal blog to show my progress. There's nothing like a little shame and humiliation to keep me on track!

YOUR TURN: Want to join the fun? Leave a comment and I'll blogroll you!


skirbo said...

I'm *SO* in and for the same reason. My full is due at the end of September. This weekend I've just been sitting and staring at the blank screen. I've picked out pictures for my 'cast', I've scoped out pictures of my city and some on my exotic travel destination. I've figured out how long they'll be in the air when they fly. I've even outlined a full plot and the plan for this next chapter.

But I haven't written a damn thing. Sigh. I honestly think I'm afraid to succeed at this point, but I'm just going to have to get over that.

We can do it!


Anonymous said...

Why not just participate in
Unleash Your Story and raise money for Cystic Fibrosis at the same time. Find out more at

The best thing is, it's for readers, too!

If you're a member of the Portland Chapter of RWA, come join our team at

You can use that same link if you just want to donate, too.

Melissa Blue said...

I find a little guilt and a deadline to motivate the heck out of me. I need 18,000 more words on my novella and I have story sitting on my hardrive that can use some attention.

Here's my blog:

lacey kaye said...

Hmm...I'm tempted. WHY did my Office 2007 license decide to expire now??

Manuscript Mavens

Manuscript Mavens