Happy Boxing Day!
Today is Boxing Day! Which we don't celebrate here. And why not? There are so many fabulous things to love: charitable activites (this comes from the Middle Ages when feudal lords boxed up supplies and/or food for their tenants), sporting events (a big yacht race starts annually in Australia and it's a huge football day in the UK), biggest shopping day of the year in Canada (and probably the UK also - they even have "Boxing Week"), and my favorite, second Christmas. What's not to like about a second Christmas?
About the only boxing day tradition I plan to engage in today is eating the boxed up leftovers. We had a partcularly tasty ham and gorgonzola au gratin potatoes. Mmmmm. I used to shop the day after Christmas, but not in a long, long time. And I don't think there's a yacht race anywhere local.
Though we observed a lot of British traditions, I don't recall doing anything special for Boxing Day (I sure don't remember a second Christmas - I'd have carried that one forward!). But then, do we need another holiday? Especially one that has apparently turned into another opportunity for gross consumerism?
What are your end of year plans? Family time? Something exciting? Cram some 2007 goals in before the deadline's up on December 31?
On a total side note, I have to share that we enjoyed a semi-white Christmas, which doesn't happen very often in our neck of the woods. The forecast said a chance of light snow in the late afternoon, but we got very steady snow for several hours, beginning before noon. Not quite enough to build a snowman (our neighbors with two acres were able to fashion a couple of little ones), but enough to make snow angels and make my little snow angel, Quinn, happy as a Christmas elf.
Peace to you and yours.
Awww...I missed the white Christmas. I'm in Sonoma with bf's family. It's sunny and clear here and we picked persimmons off a tree to put in our salad. I'm glad you got to frolic in the snow.
HBD to you, too, Darcy!
I think more and more people on this side of the pond are increasingly aware of Boxing Day, thanks to the Internet and the blogosphere. I've heard at least one person say HBD as I sit here in the library pigging out on their T1 line and complimentary laser printing (neither of which I have at home, alas!). Thus it was a very pleasant surprise to read your post today.
I think in time Boxing Day will become an American custom, too, just as the British have taken up Hallowe'en. And you will be able to take some of the credit! :-)
Am currently enjoying year end Mom and Son time with my youngest, Erik. He's headed back to school in a day or two. Am also busy making resolutions and detailed blueprints for achieving them. Its sorta like storyboarding. I'm a serious
resolution maker!
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